Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The triplets and 12.12.12

nice date today so kena la update blog sbg kenang-kenangan. i wanted to write a longer entry...with more details about LRD. a dark air conditioned room sambil tgk LRD tidor dibuai mimpi at almost 8pm....on laptop...slot in sd card...browse dulu sekejap internet.....last2 ummi pun tidor dibuai mimpi zzzzzzzzzz sampai la MrDaddy balik frm work at 10 plus. actually this has been my routine for these past few weeks. sgt sgt tidak productive!!! but then...bestnye tidoo. thats why bila org tanye tido cukup ke tak...the answer is yes! i tido awal sekali dgn budak2 ni. even kena bangun on average 6 kali every nite utk buat susu (LRD tak bangun serentak)....and bangun at 6 am to prepare their breakfast, lunch and dinner......bila campur tolak semua i rasa i tido cukup 6 jam...kadang2 lebih lgpun ada.

so enjoy je lah my beauty sleep sementara the kids punye sleep routine derang tgh ok ni. esok lusa tak tau lah mcm. anyway, here are some pictures of them today around 7pm tgh main2. main2 puas sampai penat....730pm bawak naik....and tido. but of course nak bg derang tido is a diff story...phewww. nite nite