Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Triplets and The Shopping Spree Day

.....which was yesterday. Home-KLCC-Home-Alamanda-Home. shopping baju raya anak kat Mothercare and then groceries shopping kat K4 Alamanda.

few minutes after publishing yesterday's entry dpt sms from Mothercare abt their 1 month sales frm 1st june to 1st July. And for VIP members frm 1st to 3rd June. dpt la extra 10% from nett went there dr start bukak kedai at 10am until 12 plus.....and here is the damaged....

geram tgk leggings yg comel2 tu. semua beli either pack 2, 3 or 4 except for the overall. overall tu 6-9mth tp nampak mcm besar for 1 yr...but beli jugak coz 60%!!

body suit and sleepsuit beli sikit jer sbb yg org bg present byk lg tak terpakai.

masa tgh belek2 baju ni semua smalam boleh si ruby ni cakap.."puan ni nak niaga baju keee?" *grrrrr*. 

 Then at 5pm keluar balik sorang2 for groceries shopping. Kesian sekarang nak shopping kena buat sorang2. imagine angkat beras 10kg sorang2?

so hari ni duduk rumah berehat dgn The Triplets while MrG pulak balik Sepang for kenduri.

 Thats Dhia melayan perasaan sorang2 dlm PlayGym while kakak and abang sedang nyenyak tido.

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